Comédie Française
The Comédie Française is a theater founded in 1680 and located in the heart of the Palais Royal in the 1st arrondissement of Paris.
Molière is considered the father of the institution, also known as the "House of Molière". At the end of the gallery of busts is exposed the chair in which he entered in agony during a performance of Le Malade Imaginiaire, one of his most famous works. Plays by Molière are also almost always on the program of the Comédie Française.
It is the only national theater in France with a permanent troupe of actors. It is also the oldest active troupe in the world. It has a total of 537 actors, counting all its members from Molière's companions to the current actors. These hand-picked actors are exceptionally talented. Their motto is Simul et Singulis, which means "To be together and be yourself".
If you speak at least a little French, don't miss the opportunity to see a play at the Comédie Française. The beauty of the place and the talent of the actors make it an experience like no other. You don't have to be bilingual, the actors are usually so expressive that it's easy to understand the play.

From 15 to 48 euros (depending on the slot and the place)
Metro stops
Palais-Royal – Musée du Louvre Pyramides
Official website