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The Louxor

The Luxor is one of the oldest movie theaters in Paris, located in the 10th arrondissement. 

It opened its doors in 1921, in the middle of the post-war boom years. Closed in 1988 after being transformed into a nightclub for a few years, it is left to abandon. It was finally renovated and reopened in 2013.

The facade of the cinema is designed in the neo-Egyptian style of the 1920s and its name refers to the eponymous Egyptian city. The cinema has three beautiful rooms, also decorated with an Egyptian theme. There is also an exhibition area and a café.

There is something magical about seeing a movie at the Luxor. The place has kept its spirit of yesteryear. The programming responds to the particular history of this emblematic cinema. Thus, you can attend special screenings of classic films or participate in festivals of Arab and Maghreb cinema.


10 euros full price - 5,50 euros under 26

Metro stops


Official website


Who am I?

My name is Judith, I am 21 years old and I am French. I moved to Paris to study art history and I fell in love with this city. I have been walking the streets and museums of Paris and I want to share with you what I have discovered!

Judith Balme

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